How does this even work? What do I do in sessions?

If you haven’t seen a psychologist before, the whole thing can seem really intimidating. Just like the first time you do anything, its normal to feel uncertain or anxious. My job is to help make the whole thing easier. In session, I’ll ask you some questions designed to figure out what is going on for you. I’m not going to push you to discuss anything you don’t want to - the pace we set is up to you. Once we have a better idea of what is going on for you, I sometimes make suggestions for things for you to try - these might be things to do, or different ways to try and think about things.

Will you think I’m crazy?

Nope. But enough people have asked me whether I think they’re crazy to know that it might be something you’re worried about. My job is to not judge you, but to work collaboratively with you to try to get to the bottom of what’s going on, and to work with you to make your life better.

I’ve never told anyone this stuff before and I’m freaking out…

That’s normal too! I’ve been privileged to do this work for 19 years now. I’ve heard just about every variation of humanity you can think of - I’m not here to judge you. Its normal for you to feel really anxious if you need to offload a bunch of stuff that you’ve not spoken about before. Together, we’ll wade through it and try and make sense of it all.

That completely depends. A lot of people feel better after they make their appointment! Thats because they have the sense that things will be sorted and its a load off their mind. With the way I practice, a lot of people stay for 6 - 10 sessions - though this depends a lot on what is going on for you. Some people stay much longer than that because they enjoy the process of having a non-judgemental objective person in their life to work through things. Some people come once and decide the process, or my style, isn’t for them - that’s ok too.

How long does it take to feel better?

Do you work with couples?

I do not work with couples. If you would like some suggestions as to whom locally to try, let me know.

Do you work with children or young people?

I don’t work with children or young people, only adults. Not to worry though, there’s some great Children’s psychologists in Townsville. Feel free to make contact if you’d like a referral.

Where are you located?

The Mind Garden is located in a lovely little studio office in West End, Townsville. The office entry is down “Penny Lane” off Morris Street. The address for your GPS is 6 Morris Street, West End.

The cost of a session is $190. Session length is generally about 50 minutes. If you have a Mental Health Care Plan from your GP, medicare will rebate you $92.00 for each session (for up to 10 sessions per year).

How much do sessions cost?

How do I book in?

Excellent question! If you want to have a chat with me prior to booking in - just head over to the contact page here and give me a ring or write a message. Alternatively, if you’re ready to book in, just click on the button below and it will take you straight to my online calendar. At times, my client load is at capacity. If you would like suggestions for other practices to try, let me know.